Delivering audio & noise simulations as a service

Waveller Cloud

Waveller Cloud is an audio & noise simulation system that is delivered as "Software as a Service".


Running audio and noise simulations in the computing cloud allows easy scaling of the computation infrastructure. Frequency-domain simulations tend to take considerable amount of time, but on the other hand can utilize the dynamic resources allocation in Cloud environment very well. This means significant performance improvement in simulation turnaround times.

Using SaaS simulation system allows for easy collaboration and adoption to design process and reduced cost in systems and software administration.


Waveller Cloud uses two different solvers for simulation. For a "quick look" on structural acoustic emission, a HFBEM-based (high frequency boundary element method) solver is available. For a more detailed and accurate results, a full-wave FM-BEM (fast multipole boundary element method) solver is employed.

Simulation results are available as raw pressure and phase data, sound power levels on octave bands and 3d SPL data in VTK-format.

Technical specs

Waveller Cloud runs in a standard web-browser. Simulation input files can be imported from a variety of FEM / simulation environments and results can be processed in the Waveller Cloud or downloaded for further post-processing. A demonstration of the user interface is available at where you can register and browse a couple of pre-simulated examples.

More information

For more information, join the low-volume Waveller Cloud newsletter list to keep updated on audio & noise simulations in the cloud:

or contact

Antti Vanne
Director of computational technology
Tel: +358 50 3566 744

Whats new

May 31st 2013

Waveller Cloud GUI is available at Register and try out visualizations of precomputed simulations. The actual BEM simulation is disabled in the demo version.